semrush hour 2

Most SEO projects start with some basic domain analysis. This means getting a simple overview of the ‘quality’ of a domain from an SEO point of view.

You might also perform domain analysis on a website in order to see if it’s worth approaching its owner for a link from that site to yours — this is because external links (or ‘backlinks’) from high-quality websites to your content can really boost its performance in search.

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You typically perform domain analysis either on your own website — to see where SEO improvements could be made — or on a competitor’s, to see how difficult it will be to outrank them in search results (or to find ways to do so).

It’s very easy to perform domain analysis in Semrush — you just enter a domain URL in its ‘domain overview’ section, and you get an immediate sense of how it’s performing in search results.

Now, what’s important to remember about the domain overview stats is that while the majority of them are based on hard data, the traffic figures are estimates — and my experience of them is that they are not always 100% accurate.

The authority score used to be a bit buried in Semrush’s interface, but recently it’s been moved front and centre of the domain overview section, giving you an immediate sense of what Semrush thinks of a particular domain.

(I base this observation on comparing the Semrush traffic estimates against Google Analytics data for websites that I have access to).

Nonetheless, it’s best to treat the traffic stats in Semrush as something that gives you an indication of site popularity — doing so can help you put your site into context against those of your competitors, or identify sites that it’s worth approaching for backlinks.

To be fair to Semrush, it doesn’t claim that the traffic figures are 100% accurate — and actually gives you an estimate of how accurate its traffic stats for a particular site are likely to be (low, medium or high).